Multi-styled Text Generator at vazque: gedong 9

Saturday, September 14, 2013

gedong 9

     Gedong Songo temple complex of buildings is the name of a Hindu temple's cultural relics are located in the village temple, Bandungan District, Regency of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, precisely on the slopes of Mount UNGARAN. In this temple complex there are nine temples.
     This temple diketemukan by Raffles in 1804 and is a holdover from the days of Hindu culture Syailendra dynasty 9th century (927 years BC).
     This temple has in common with the Dieng temple complex in Wonosobo. This temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is cold enough here (ranging between 19-27 ° C)
      Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Mount UNGARAN has beautiful natural scenery. In addition, these attractions are also equipped with a thermal bath of sulfuric springs, camping areas, and horseback tours.
     For through if, needed about 40 minutes journey from the streets of the City Ambarawa up, and kemiringannya very sharp (on average up to 40 degrees). Location temple can also be reached within a 10-minute drive from attractions Bandungan. Here's a list mileage toward this temple.
     Gedong Songo - UNGARAN: 25 miles
     Gedong Songo - Ambarawa: 15 miles
     Gedong Songo - Semarang: 45 miles


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